One morning at work I dropped off some paperwork at the office across the hall. On the way back to my office a temp who I had become acquainted with said that she wanted to do some leisure reading and asked me to suggest some good books as I was always talking about a book I was reading. I had recently purchased, The Audacity of Hope, Dreams from My Father, The Law of Attraction and The Power of Now, all of which I highly recommend. She was already familiar with the first two books written by Barack Obama, but not so much regarding the latter.

The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle and  The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks both address how people, things and situations manifest in our lives according to how we think and feel about them. When I explained this the temp looked at me like the RCA dog.  In a hurry to get back to my office I explained the vision board as illustrated in The Secret where a person will paste photos of the things they would like to achieve or acquire in their lives on a board. Keeping this board in a place where a person will see it often will serve as a reminder to focus and maintain a positive attitude toward those desires coming to fruition. And the RCA dog tilts its head to the other side. I had to return to my desk and I told her that I would call her later.  Just before turning the corner,  I explained to her that I had seen Will Smith explain the same philosophy and how it can be applied to everyday life. He referred to a book called The Alchemist. The temp asked what that book was about and I told her,”I don’t remember all of the details. You Tube it!” as I had to get back to my desk.

I was introduced to The Alchemist one night when I was working on a book I hope to have completed November 2011. Anyway. I’m working with the television on because that’s how I work. I look up and the characters of the sci-fi movie who begin discussing the need to go see the Alchemist. I was so intrigued by the description thought that I could use the concept in my book.  I immediately googled  The Alchemist. Just now I tried to recreate the moment and failed. However, on that night the first thing that popped up was a YouTube video with Will Smith discussing the Alchemist with Tavis Smiley. Eureka!  I had never seen anyone explain the philosophies of the books that I just mentioned and others as well or as concisely as Mr. Smith. Will gives the example of the book “The Alchemist” which tells the story of a young man on a journey. In the book the Alchemist can  take something ordinary, in this case, lead, and turn it into something rich and valuable such as gold. And Will is right, to go into detail about “the practice” thereof is extremely esoteric to say the very least. Which is how this part of my journey took place, trying to explain…    and  The Alchemist

At this time many things that I have managed to manifest in my life are under reconstruction. First of all, the first time we do anything there is a good chance we may not see exactly what we set out to get. Second of all , every option that comes your way may not be something manifested by you. For example. I have been working on my kitchen for quite some time now for financial reasons. A guy friend asked. So how is your kitchen coming along. I informed him that it remains a pending situation. He asked, so why don’t you get one of those guys who likes you to pay for your kitchen and then when it’s done you say, “You know, I don’t think we are going to work out.” The thought of this spurred hysterical laughter. If anyone ever hurt any of my three brothers, I would stomp them into the ground.  I would not dare be a hypocrite and do the same to someone elses child. Wow!  What kind of karma would that set into motion.

Last week I stood in line behind  a young lady in line at the grocery store. She stacked about 20 coupons. I said to her, “You are a woman after my own heart. I am a coupon freak” The woman (whose name I never received) shared that she had recently been laid off from her job as an accountant and needed very much to budget. We met each other again in the parking lot where she thanked me for the encouragement I provided in the store. I gave her the name of a website . A gentleman who is dedicating his time and talent to providing training and job placement in South Florida. The woman said that she would be happy however God wants to bless her. I explained that the universe and everything in it belongs to God and she can ask God for anything. The following is a more familiar reference to this philosophy  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” A story board can be used as a tool for Philippians 4:6-7. Nothing is new. All things are just waiting to be rediscovered by any and all who believe.

I started a Twitter account because some cat by the name of Hill Harper asked that the people from Facebook follow him on Twitter as well. Mr. Harper wrote, Letters to a Young Brother, Letters to a Young Sister, The Conversation, his is latest  The Wealth Cure scheduled to be released  August 23, 2011. I have read the first two books which provide wonderful advice and motivation that serve as tools enriching the lives of young men and women. Lessons that enhance and elevate a person’s ability to achieve…well, the sky’s the limit, worth gold, if you will.  On January 29, 2011  this was tweeted ” Hill Young black men are writing powerful letters to their peers! Inspired by your book at the #PaulRobesonInstitute

Pure intentions imbue beautiful vibrations like ripples on a pond. Prolific cognition, an alchemist’s work comes to fruition and leaves in its wake an eternal bond.

Someones life is touched and they reach and touch your life in a positive way, you then reach out to touch another’s life and the act is perpetuated. This is how we all can become an alchemist. We are all linked together, more alike than we will ever be different. There is no journey where flowers should go unnoticed, challenges unconquered, love not found, or gold and dreams within unrealized. If any riches you acquire, remain unshared, it is an endeavor void of purpose. The survival of humanity depends on us depending on each other. No one  ever made it anywhere without the help of someone.

You don’t have to write a book like Mr. Harper. You don’t have to become a minister like Rev. Run or a music mogul like his brother Russell Simmons. Nor do you have to share your citizenship between American and African nations like Isiah Washington. Look inside yourself and realize that you have a treasure that is waiting to be realized and shared. It is there because God is there.  Understand that this world, this universe, is here to provide you with all that is good. All you have to do is seek it and ask with thanksgiving. When we ask with thanksgiving we are asking with faith and expecting that our desires, with work, will come to into existence. I have never used a vision board but I have learned many lessons on this journey to discover how to be and remain happy. Many of my dreams have been realized and many more are in the process of coming to fruition. If our paths never cross again allow me to leave you with some of my truths.

1. Be grateful and acknowledge God in all things.

2. Share. Be an alchemist every chance you get.

3. Be humble and modest. Don’t always share how someone has blessed you. People can be jealous and soon bestow you with the nickname Pookie. There is a difference between begging and accepting a blessing offered to you by another. Some things need to remain between the two of you.

4. Remain focused no matter what. If you stop to beat every dog that barks you will never get anything done. The closer you come to your breakthrough the more they are going to bark. Stay focused on your goal.

5. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Sometimes it is best not to respond. Allow God to fight your battles. Especially if the person has been led astray/misinformed.

6. Do your best to be kind no matter what. You never change a dishonorable situation by adding more dishonor.

7. Keep your ears and your heart open. The only thing better than an understanding is a better understanding.

8. Study and understand Corinthians 13 so that when love comes, and it is going to come, you will recognize it.

This my first blog. Please respond with comments and questions. Please join me in reading the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and post your thoughts. It has been a pleasure to share this with you and I hope that it has provided you with something that will enrich your life on this journey. Most of all remember to laugh. If ever a day passes that you don’t laugh I hope it is because you have moved to another plane of existence.  I pray that you find joy there.

Months later the temp was offered a permanent position with the agency.  The RCA dog has left the building.